Our Cryopreservation Options

We at Cryo-Save labs facilitate processing, testing, cryopreservation and storage of umbilical cord and umbilical cord blood stem cells. Our services include the following two options:

  • CryoCord: Cryopreserved stem cells extracted from umbilical cord blood.
  • CryoCord+: Cryopreserved umbilical cord and cryopreserved stem cells extracted from umbilical cord blood.

Cord Blood and Cord Tissue at a Glance

Cord Blood is a rich source of Haematopoietic Stem Cells, whereas the Physical Umbilical Cord connecting the baby to the mother during pregnancy is a rich source of stem cells called Mesenchymal Stem Cells.

Vascular Endothelial Cells are also found lining all small blood vessels (capillaries) and also they are found circulating in some blood. However the concentration circulating in blood is generally low unless you have disease.

There is a higher concentration of the early forms of these cells in Cord Blood and you can indeed harvest them, but again the concentration is very low and not a justification for not storing cord.

In the Cord, you have Mesenchymal stem cells and indeed you also have Perivascular Endothelial Cells; both of which have uses for therapy.

The concentration of Vascular Endothelial Cells in the Cord is very high compared to other sources and they are highly active. They have been harvested for many years for research purposes, drug development etc. and are increasingly of interest for conditions like kidney and lung.

Our storage system allows all these cells to be preserved.